I'm back in New Zealand for the next two weeks, which is always a pleasure. I'll be teaching three sessions of my course (all booked out, alas, but there can always be more) and doing a series of private briefings.
But I'll also be doing a lunchtime talk in downtown Auckland this Friday, as part of the Auckland Conversations series. My topic is How will an integrated public transport network create a city for people? RSVP here!
The "integrated public transport network" in question is more or less this one. My biggest project for 2012 was a complete redesign of Auckland's confusing tangle of infrequent bus routes, working with Stuart Donovan and my other excellent New Zealand colleagues at MRCagney. This project is now being rolled out, starting with the southern part of Auckland next year.
Auckland is a very exciting city for public transit right now. An antiquated and infrequent commuter rail system is being converted to useful rapid transit, first by running more trains but more durably through an electrification project. The bus redesign will bring useful all-day frequent service to a huge share of the population, as these striking maps demonstrate.
Finally, if you're not in Auckland, my most important post from here is this one, about expanding our notions of why you might paint a bus.
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