solidarity with frozen transit staffs

A deep cold snap is affecting North America east of the Rockies today and/or tomorrow, with many cities plunging toward near-historic lows.  It's been an unusual winter all around, including an epic ice storm in Toronto.  

As a gesture of solidarity and appreciation toward all the heroic work that's going into keeping transit running today, I thought I'd pass on this photo taken last week by Twitter user @madhava.  It's a view from Toronto's CN Tower out over the harbor to Toronto Island.  


The narrow sliver of clear water is where the hard-working Toronto Island Ferry is carefully clearing a channel so that it can resume service.  This photo has everything: The molecular stillness that is the definition of cold, the hugeness of the city, and the tiny but heroic the acts of diligence and problem solving by people who's job is to restore your freedom to get around.

Stay warm everyone, and if you see a transit staffer working hard against the elements, thank them.

4 Responses to solidarity with frozen transit staffs

  1. Woolie January 6, 2014 at 10:19 am #

    I’m going to appropriate “molecular stillness that is the definition of cold.” Even if you’re still a few hundred K from absolute zero 🙂

  2. Morgan Wick January 6, 2014 at 10:38 am #

    This almost looks like a scene from a disaster movie.

  3. Robert January 7, 2014 at 7:31 am #

    “Whose” not “who’s” (last sentence, second-to-last paragraph). Just a minor nitpick. You can delete this comment if you want once it’s fixed.

  4. Bob Patrick March 23, 2014 at 11:11 am #

    Epic ice storm? People lost power. What is so epic about that? What is your problem? Very rude to thousands of people who lost power. Have some respect.