spam of the year: dependable forklifts

One of the more refined forms of spam I receive is the automated guest blogging inquiry, in which a spambot attempts to appear familiar with my blog’s topics and sincere in offering useful guest content.  The best in at least a year:

Good Morning

I read the blog post a transit manager on driverless cars on your blog and loved  reading it. I know you’re a busy person, so I’ll keep this brief.

I wanted to reach out to see if you would allow me to do a guest post. My initial thought is writing about  “Maintaining a Dependable Fleet of Forklifts”,  but if you have a better idea, I’m open to it!

You can reach me any time via email: [omitted],  I look forward to your thoughts

Warmest regards, [female name]


Something like this arrives about once a day, but rarely does its ignorance of my content reach toward the sublime. May all this spambot’s forklifts be as dependable as her spam.

8 Responses to spam of the year: dependable forklifts

  1. EJ August 20, 2013 at 12:04 am #

    Well we all know about your anti-forklift bias.

  2. Morganwick August 20, 2013 at 2:08 am #

    She tried to spam me with a forklift! (100 nerd points if you get the reference)

  3. Devin August 20, 2013 at 10:39 am #

    Mode doesn’t matter, it’s the frequency of the forklift that is important! A fleet of frequent forklifts = freedom.

  4. TransitPlannerMunich August 20, 2013 at 1:06 pm #

    I highly recommend this German video regarding forklift operation:
    I am sure it will give you some deep insight into an often neglected field of transport.

  5. Ant6n August 21, 2013 at 5:32 am #


  6. EngineerScotty August 22, 2013 at 3:26 pm #

    We can replace our existing freight network with a fleet of autonomous forklifts (we’ll call it Personal Rapid Shipping). Imagine a giant warehouse with a new forklift carrying a pallet arriving and departing every five seconds or so, and automatically routed in an intelligent guideway to its destination.
    Such a technology will make impersonal freight-handling technology such as containerization and use of trucks or trains, were pallets from different walks of life are herded together like cattle, and allow the benefits of public shipment without all the hassle and waiting time. Such technology can even extend to the suburbs, and be usable by those folks who refuse to ship via truck (or are poorly served by the irregular pickup/delivery schedules of most freight agencies), without requiring them to own a van of their own.
    Personal Rapid Shipping is clearly the wave of the future.

  7. Used Forklift August 24, 2013 at 9:16 pm #

    If you want to discuss anything about forklift then AZ Metroway is a great website that fulfill your need. AZ Metroway provides Forklift Battery Restore, Service and Repair in Southern California. We repair services for all makes and models of industrial Forklift Lead Acid batteries and chargers.

  8. Walt R August 31, 2013 at 10:12 am #

    Comment spam on a post about guest-posting spam?