agora, em português!


I wouldn't have expected this, but the first foreign language into which my work is being translated is Portuguese!  Not my book yet, but select passages from this blog will be showing up as a "column" of mine called "Transporte Humano" on Rua da
, which contains a mix of articles mostly on health, economics, and transport policy.  The editor, Gustavo M.S. Martins Coelho, is a medical doctor himself.  He is based in Oporto and writes mostly for a Portuguese audience, but I hope my "columns" will get attention in Brazil, where the issues are so massive and consequential for the world.


2 Responses to agora, em português!

  1. Manuel Josue Sanchez September 17, 2013 at 5:27 am #

    Congrats Jarett that is very nice to hear, one accomplishment more in your brightful career. Thank you for your blogs and the time you take to solve questions, couple of weeks ago I asked you about the school bus in USA. Well, I’ve found good insights and supports from the school district in Minnesota.
    Anyways as Brazilians and Portuesse say: Parabens! e tudo o Melhor!
    Greetings from Berlin
    Manuel Josue Sanchez

  2. Mariana September 17, 2013 at 5:46 am #

    Your columns will certainly get attention here in Brazil. Due to the recent uproars, politicians are keen on prioritising public transport. Bus lanes spring up overnight, public hearings are held, investments are allocated. I hope this trend lasts – we desperately need quality public transport. And we need all expert advice we can get.