The Freewheeling podcast in the UK has just posted a new interview of me. It was a fun conversation about new ways to think about public transport in the context of the reforms that the UK is undertaking. Hope you enjoy.
The Freewheeling podcast in the UK has just posted a new interview of me. It was a fun conversation about new ways to think about public transport in the context of the reforms that the UK is undertaking. Hope you enjoy.
Paul Comfort’s Transit Unplugged is a podcast for transit industry professionals. He just did a two-part interview of me, where we talked about how our thinking about transit goals, and our measures of success, need to adapt to the post-pandemic world. It’s in two podcasts
Part 1, from 7:10 to 22:10. (Ends at a moment of suspense!)
Part 2, from 8:03 to 18:10.
Hope you enjoy!
In her spare time, Toronto Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat hosts a podcast series called Invisible City. Her hour-long sessions go deeply into a
n interesting urbanist topic, and recently she did an interview of me. We were both having great fun, and it turned into the best long-form interview that I’ve done. (This 2012 Colin Marshall interview — which is more personal and where my ideas were much less clearly formed, is the only one that comes close.)
Jennifer skillfully provoked a discussion that requires no geekery to follow. You can share it with your friends who have only the vaguest notion of what transit is, and many, I think, will still enjoy it. There are a few
Toronto references, but nothing that will baffle a reader from elsewhere.
It’s here. Hope you enjoy.