my first encounter with populist talk-radio in sydney

I doubt Sydney's notorious talk-radio host Alan Jones would have asked me such polite questions, but he was away that day.  Here's the interview of me on Sydney's 2GB drive-time, by Andrew Moore.  Download MP3.


3 Responses to my first encounter with populist talk-radio in sydney

  1. Daniel January 6, 2012 at 2:58 pm #

    Well done Jarrett.
    Alan Jones is known for being conservative, and I’d expect his replacement to lean that way as well – which always puts me in mind of this article about convincing conservatives that public transport is a good thing –
    However, I’ve often found (particularly when talking to conservative Melbourne talk radio station MTR) that hosts are more attuned to public transport than you might first assume, particularly issues for white collar rail commuters.
    It’s probably a product of fast-growing patronage on Australian capital city networks, and the resultant problems of overcrowding, which of course always give the hosts a chance to do a bit of government-bashing.

  2. Tom West January 8, 2012 at 6:49 pm #

    Any chance you could post/link to a transcript?

  3. Julian Wearne January 9, 2012 at 4:16 pm #

    Somewhat ironic that the interview was held on a program called Drive Time.
    Good interview though, he certainly was polite and you made all the points simple to understand. I’d love to hear you do a similar interview in Melbourne!