The table of contents is now online here! The complete introduction is here.
The book will be released by Island Press in November or December 2011. For more or to preorder, see Island Press or Amazon, or my hometown favorite, Powell’s. (If you use Powell’s, be sure to chide them for filing it in the Automotive section!)
As those pages are closed to comments, feel free to comment below.
I’m glad to see it’s finally done! Congratulations!! I know you must be proud. I will try to get my library to order a copy 🙂
It’s time for Powell’s to rename the section “Transportation” or something like that.
Why two different covers? Both of them need work I’d say. Don’t miss out on sales because your cover isn’t shiny!
Shiny? …I like the upbeat colors. Reminds one of the map colors of transit lines. Of course, I’m certainly glad transit lines were kept out of the cover, in favor of actual people. ‘)
Hey! It’s being sold on this UK website for less than $25! How is that even possible?
At Powells its serving as “a gearheads introduction to Transit”, which would be a book id recommend to Andrew Cuomo of New York State…
It’s weird, because at Powell’s 2 (the technical books annex) they definitely have a transportation engineering section where I have found books on public transit before.
I’m looking forward to reading it.
I know of at least one transport minister who should get it as a Xmas present, but then again the NZ election is November 26 so maybe we’ll all get a Xmas present and he won’t be transport minister.
Zef: But this is not engineering! It should really be in the Rose Room with urban policy books.
Hi Jarrett, will there be a Kindle version? Excited to read it!
I didn’t know Powell’s had an automotive section… aren’t they based in Portland?
Wait, Powells, in Portland one of the major transit friendly cities on the west coast, filed it under automotive? The apocalypse must be coming.
I’m looking forward to the book! I do have to say, however, the photograph on cover with the drop shadow behind it – tisk, tisk! The cover will be elegant enough without this image at all. My advice is to get rid of it. Simplicity and clarity are beautiful virtues in graphic design.