The book is due out from Island Press in about two months.
The complete introduction is now online here.
The Island Press listing is here, and you can also preorder through Amazon. You can also order it from my hometown favorite, Powell’s, but be sure to chide them for filing it in the “Automotive” section.
Congratulations Jarrett on finishing your book. I can hardly wait to read it!
thanks for posting this – that’s one seriously reasonable piece of writing, and I thus sincerely hope and wish you that it won’t be greeted with questions about your bias or agenda.
Jarrett, will you be making any signed copies of the book available?
You’re not seriously using that as cover typography, let alone cover “design.”
ehh the typography’s okay, but as much as I like rainbows they don’t really work here.
Wad. We'll figure that out, down the line! Jarrett
I am excited to see this post and will definitely get it when it comes out. I hope sometime you come to D.C. so that I can see and talk to you about it. Also the signed copies would be awesome
Given that you are involving a publisher, I assume that the book will be available in dead tree form, as well as in various electronic formats… correct?
At any rate, the good folks at Powells have classified it in “Automotive-General”. 🙁
Amazon at least got the category right (and, unsurprisingly, has it cheaper than Powells):
Both bookseller websites are presently displaying different cover art than you have above…
Congratulations, Jarrett!!! That’s just great.
Yes, dead trees and electrons will both be available.
This might be a good example of not judging a book by it’s cover. The text is, as always, very well written. I will probably buy the book. However, I also dislike the cover. It doesn’t grab my attention. The picture fits the theme, but isn’t compelling to me. Graphically, there are too many colors and too many font sizes. I’m not sure what I dislike about the rainbow theme. It seems too cliche, or touchy-feeley, or maybe just childish.
Congratulations on the book getting close to publication. I’ll definitely purchase a copy when it’s available. May have to wait until you’re next in Melbourne to get my copy signed!
I loved the Introduction. I cannot wait to (buy and) read the whole thing!
Congratulations Jarrett! Your book will help clarify the discussion on transit. I like your focus on being a facilitator rather than a prognosticator.
Congratulations on finishing the book!!! I hope it becomes a best seller and that its recommendations are widely discussed and applied.
Congratulations! Is there any discussion in your book about the impact public transportation has on physical activity?
Congratulations! Is there any discussion in your book about the impact public transportation has on physical activity?
FB User. There are many books on the advantages of transit; my focus is more on what planners and advocates need to understand about how transit works. I do emphasize though that transit requires walking, that it may require more walking in the future, and that this can be a good thing! J.
See note to FB user above.
Thanks for the quick response! (this is the FB User). While my work focuses on the health benefits of public transit I think this will be a good resource for me as an advocate.