Wellington readers: Here’s a remarkably thoughtful piece (and not just because it quotes me) on the network plan that I worked on. It’s also cross posted here. Attached are a few comments that people like me live for. For example:
The proposed changes to service to my corner in Brooklyn will have a revolutionary effect on my life, essentially making public transport a viable option, where it is not right now. I am quite excited and hope these changes go through.
You’d be surprised how touching this sort of comment can be to a network designer, even one who’s been in the transit trenches for 20 years. It really is all about humans.
Hi Jarrett
I was wondering if you were able to comment on the amount of data that the Greater Wellington Regional Council was able to get from Go Wellington in order to help inform their decisions regarding radical overhaul of bus routes. 6 weeks of data seems rather limited.
Hamish. It's normal to grab a slice of data from dates the operator
considers average or typical for the year. We had access to much
detailed stop level patronage data, though unfortunately it's not in
the punlic domain.